Tuesday, March 12, 2013


After fighting a losing battle against what started out as a simple head cold, three weeks and daily headaches, lungs and head nearly over-flowing with mucous, and pure exhaustion later, I went to the primary care physician. She diagnosed me with walking pneumonia. I am due to take both Humira and Methotrexate tomorrow, but my RA doc's office says not to take them until I am well. Thank goodness she didn't hospitalize me. Fingers crossed missing these meds (and being this sick) does not throw me into a flare. I have had 2 days in the past week that felt flarish - one evening in particular was pretty brutal. If this is what I'm trading RA pain for (a really really suppressed immune system), I'm not impressed. Being this sick for this long and not having a very promising recovery time SUCKS.