Friday, May 8, 2009

So long, Ketoprofen!

When I had my third infusion (1st of 2 this second round) last week, I decided it would be the perfect time to try to go off Ketoprofen. I have been taking it for 4 and a half years, once at bedtime, to fend off morning stiffness. The last time I stopped taking it was during the study screening last fall. I was absolutely miserable and my body was pretty much useless. The times in the past when I have forgotten to take it, I would wake in the middle of the night, begging and crying for my husband to please bring it to me with a drink of water. NOT ANYMORE! I am thrilled to announce that, after a full week without it, I am fine without it. So, whether it's just the MTX or the MTX/okra combination, it's doing something right. My last labs were "very good" ... my weight is NORMAL (hooray!) ... inflammation levels are down. If it weren't for the damage already done, a stranger might not even know I have RA. Go, me!

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