Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dr. Mercola on the Propaganda Train?!

A friend of mine shared this article, "Obama's Plan to Change U.S. Health Care System Will Cost Nearly Two TRILLON Dollars". First of all, "trillion" is spelled wrong ... I'm supposed to take this article seriously? Now, generally, I like Dr. Mercola - he often offers very practical advice. However, this article tells me that he's fallen from his Common Sense Pedestal, clearly drug down by the added weight of Ron Paul in his pocket.

"One of the problems in our current system, he says, is the lack of competition, partly due to too much government intervention." The only lack of competition is among drug companies - there are plenty of insurance companies, plenty of care providers ("conventional" and "alternative"). What's lacking is regulation of the insurance companies & costs. I'm not saying the Obama Healthcare Plan is perfect, and I usually agree with Dr. Mercola, but this article is full of broad, propaganda statements. "There is NO PILL that can make you healthier!" As someone who took charge of her health and tried every AFFORDABLE alternative therapy I could manage, I DO take a pill that makes me healthier (8/week) - much more so than any of the alternative therapies I tried over 4 years - my disease just kept worsening. As for the doctors leaving "in droves" maybe if more of them hadn't gotten into it to make big $, if they had more of a backbone & stayed true to "wanting to help people," "alternative" medicine would be more norm. (Dr. M should have drawn much more focus on Pamela Wible than Ron Paul.) Historically, holier-than-thou physicians created this mess by convincing people that they didn't know how to keep themselves healthy - the demise of natural childbirth, the "fear" that has been ingrained in women in the past 80 years (a monumental change in America in less than a century), is an under-appreciated example of this. We aren't dirt-poor, but we live barely better than check-to-check, sacrificing to raise our children into productive and responsible citizens, and can't afford basic medical care (or even many "alternative" treatments) for my disease because of unregulated insurance companies and greedy physicians - a disease that affects well over a million people in the US alone. I'm a drop in the pond of people in the same situation.

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