Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's a good day!

XPost / Original November 19, 2008

I was very nervous going to the doctor's office yesterday. (Not to mention sleepy, thirsty and hungry from having to fast until the bloodwork was drawn ... ugh, no coffee!) I was given a big spiral with carbon pages and told to complete a specific section. It was a baseline survey of my mobility, pain, strength, inabilities, etc. Tom, the "joint count" guy, went through what's becoming old hat now ... applying pressure and marking on his chart my pain reaction and swelling, head to toe. I really don't like that part of the visits at all. He's nice enough, but I just don't like it. Saw my doc for a few minutes, then finally took the walk into the Infusion Room. *Dun Dun Duuuunnnnnnn* By the time I got to my appointed LazyBoy, 2/3 of the seats were taken. At the busiest, only one seat was left empty. Nobody was there for as long as I was. My left arm veins let me down, so I had to have the IV in my right arm. Dammit. Angie took what seemed like half the blood in body for her vials (she says it really isn't that much, but it sure looks like it to me). I inhaled the granola bar I'd stashed in my lunch bag like I hadn't eaten in a week. Ang got me one of those little styrofoam cups of coffee - you know the ones that aren't any bigger than a shot glass. I knocked back 2 of those before they went cold and decided I better not have more or I'd inevitably have to ask for too many potty breaks. I wasn't comfortable enough to strike up or join any of the conversations around me, so I donned my earbuds and dove into my book. Then, the Benadryl (taken to prevent allergic reaction) started to affect me. I fought it for a while, using my arsenal of sweet snacks, taking a potty break, eating some lunch before I was really hungry for it, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open after lunch. I had a 30 minute break from the 15-minute vitals-checks and I dozed. No bad reactions, no apparent allergies. My blood pressure, pulse and temperature stayed normal. But, man, was I sleepy!

This morning, the moment I woke up, I smiled because my shoulders weren't hurting. I quickly realized the only time I'd woken up last night was when my big girls woke me because Bug had a tummy ache. Not once because I was uncomfortable or in pain. My feet and knees feel good, I can raise my arms over my head, and I generally feel fine today. I know it's either the Benadryl or the steroid, but DAY-AM! Today I begin my regimine of Folic Acid and Methotrexate. The FA is daily, no big deal. The Metho is taken once weekly; I start with 3 today, 4 next week, and work up to 8 by January. At least they're tiny pills. My doctor is hopeful that I will be feeling better (due to the Metho) within a couple of months; she warns not to expect anything from the Okra (that's what Ang calls the infusion drug - Ocrelizumab) for 6 months. I have another Okra infusion in 2 weeks, then not again until April. In the meantime, I'm planning to push my daughter in the backyard swing this afternoon BECAUSE I CAN.

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